
Readers’ Workouts September 4 — 10 Comments

  1. oh my gosh, I love Zumba! I haven’t been able to take it at my gym in a while, though, because I can’t make the time anymore. But every once in a while the stars align and I can get there. Then it’s a treat. I hope you enjoy the Wii game. Shake that booty!!! 😀

    Last week I came in with a total of 339 minutes, mostly biking. I’ve got my big bike event next Sunday (NJ Gran Fondo.. 107.4 mile bike event. Yikes!) so I’ve spent the last week or two really just focusing on that. The rest of this week will be low key, minimal workouts–just enough to stay limber but nothing tiring. Maybe an easy 20 miles or less on the bike once or twice between now and Friday.

    For the whole month of August, I finished with 1296 minutes = 21.6 hours. Not bad considering I was on vacation the first week and didn’t log anything then. 🙂

  2. p.s. I linked up my recent post about anticipating the Gran Fondo instead of my monthly fitness log. Just for a change and in case anyone was interested in reading about my recent biking challenges and anxieties. lol!

  3. Way to go, Joy! Candlelight Yoga sounds lovely 🙂

    All right, September. Here we go! I’m off to Jamaica at the end of the month, which is good incentive to tighten my tummy. My goal is:

    – 2 – 3 gym workouts that include a combination of 20 min cardio, 20 min ballet barre, and 20 min strength training

    – 1 dance class per week

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