
Readers’ Workouts August 28 — 7 Comments

  1. I started out strong in August but the middle few weeks have been tough. My grandma died and I’ve been focused on helping the family close out her estate and do all of the other not-so-fun stuff that needed to happen. Back home now, and heading to the gym this afternoon.

    I was a dancer for years, and I’ve reincorporated a 15ish-minute ballet barre into my workout to help with carriage and with core strength.

    How’s everyone else doing?

    • So sorry about the loss of your grandma. That is a tough time, logistically along with all of the more expected issues.

      Cool that you’re finding ballet helpful. I come back to some of the things I learned in my childhood dance classes and sometimes those are just the best.

  2. Hi Joy, You are just so incredibly organized! I am becoming more accountable each day, finally back to making my daily wordcount of 750-1000 on my novel. Thanks for asking. It helps. I am curious about your NaNoWriMo experience. Are you happy with the outcome, disappointed? I hope you do a detailed blogpost on the experience. I would really like to know how it went.

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