Readers’ Workouts August 7
Another week of Olympics and another week of Readers’ Workouts, where bookish people share their challenges and victories. What color is your medal this week?
I’m going for gold. My August goals are to exercise 1400 minutes including 15 Wii workouts. I’m right on track to make the minutes and ahead of the game for the Wii workouts. It’s good that I’m ahead on the Wii because we’re supposed to get cooler weather soon and I expect a lot of my exercise to be functional the rest of the month — shoveling, hauling, and raking.
How was your week? Link blog posts below or simply report in the comments.
I cannot wait for cooler weather! Every little decrease in degree is immediately felt. I need to get out more around the yard and start doing those tasks, but I (I am a nerd) am not the biggest fan of bugs!
I had cool caterpillars in my garden this morning. The hungrier one is eating more of my parsley than I wish, but she’s going to group up to be a Black Swallowtail butterfly so I decided I’d share.
Your yard/garden must be beautiful with all the hard work you put into it. I’m not ready to say good-bye to summer quite yet, but I would like a few cooler days.
This is the first year I’ve put this much work in it, but I’m noticing some real progress! Yay!
We’re looking at several days in a row of highs in the 80s later this week. That’s going to feel really great.
Hi Joy – running on borrowed time as usual and my blog is being finicky and not publishing… if I can get it there I will link up but running out the door so I can bike to work today.
A choice between biking to work or blogging — definitely go for the biking!
The weather is cooling off here as well — hopefully enough to allow me to get a few outside runs in after work.
Outside exercise is going to be such a treat!
Can’t comment on the weather – the UK is going into an early Autumn I swear!
Good work on your garden – I bet it looks absolutely gorgeous by now.
Glad to see you are on track! I’ve been a slacker for 2 weeks, first the humidity turned all my good intentions (and my brain) to mush. Then I was on vacation. We hiked a bit but had a three year old tagging along soI’m not sure that counts as exercise! I plan to get back on the proverbial horse in August and do 1400 hours including 3 strength training workouts a week.