Readers’ Workouts May 15
Welcome to Readers’ Workouts, for exercisers who read and readers who exercise. We like beginners and people who think of themselves as more bookish than athletic. Join us on your blog (leave a link to your post below) or participate in the comments. How did you do last week? What are your goals for the coming week?
I’m right on plan for the month of May — 655 minutes of the 1400 that I intend to exercise and I’ve worked through an exercise DVD every other day.
My best workout was on my birthday this past Saturday. I turned 50. So, just to prove I could, I did the third and final phase of the Slim in 6 workout. It was my first time so I didn’t really know what to expect — 65 minutes of cardio and strength-training with a bit of stretching at the end. I had a great time!
How was your week?
I need this kind of weekly inspiration! I will mark my calendar to check in with you every Monday. Now for some realistic goal setting…
Yay! We would love to have you join us.
One of the reasons that I like minutes per month is that it was an easy way starting out. Someone who wasn’t exercising at all could start with 300 minutes a month and gradually build it up to as many as they wanted. It’s also helpful when aches and pains come along — I can hold on to my exercise habit by continuing to measure minutes a month even if the actual workouts are much less strenuous than when I’m feeling well.
First let me say Happy Birthday and a milestone to top it off (woohoo)!!
I’m still recovering from TM but should be reading to refocus later today. Yoga and cardio.
Have a great week!
Tough Mudder is a terrific accomplishment! You would definitely need a few days to recover and regroup and figure out what comes next.
You are doing great, Joy! I was a a bit of a slacker…
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Great work for exercising every other day! I’m currently doing 3 runs a week but think I might up it to 4, I’m not sure. Thing is, I’m inherently lazy.
Hope your birthday was a happy one, Joy. Your chocolate chip bread looks great and makes a wonderful birthday treat! Yum.
I linked up to my fitness journal page for May again. I decided to report my workouts from the prior week, Monday to Sunday because that’s how I organize it on my log and I’m just used to thinking of it that way. I managed 367 minutes last week even with two days off–thanks to the cycling I do on the weekends.
Hope everyone has a good workout week this week! I’ll be by to check out your blogs tomorrow.
Long bike rides sound like a terrific way to build up exercise minutes.
Happy belated birthday and good for you for working out on your birthday. Most people, myself included, would take that day off. But, I think we’d all be better off if we didn’t, lol.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. I’m new to this site and thought at first the workout part was about reading, then I realized it’s about bookworms exercising! This is the one area of my life that has been neglected recently for a number of reasons, so I’m signing on, right this minute. My goal for June is 900 minutes, 30 minutes a day x 30 days. Thanks so much!
Yay! Glad to have you!