Exercising in Virtual Hawaii
Last week’s exercise post (Gardening as Exercise and my weekly checkpoint) focused on gardening because I had been taking advantage of unseasonably warm weather to do some. Well, that ended. In the past week, I took advantage of a couple of snow days to catch up on my exercise goals using exercise DVDs filmed in Hawaii. Nothing like doing hula while watching it snow out the window.
My favorite Hawaiian DVDs are these two by Kili: Island Girl Dance Fitness Workout: Cardio Hula/Hula Abs & Buns – 2 Volume Set. For some reason, they are always cheap on Amazon. I swear by these for keeping at bay all symptoms of my hip arthritis. At first, it seems counter-intuitive that a dance form emphasizing hip sways would be so good for the joints, but when I was diagnosed with arthritis the orthopedist said that movement “oils the joints.” Nothing else in my life encourages me to move my hips like my hula DVDs!
Knees are a little more problematic in hula. I find that if I don’t bend my knees quite as deeply as the young ladies on the video and if I’m careful to pay attention to really using my thigh muscles to protect my knees, that hula helps my knees as well.
Another DVD filmed on a Hawaiian shore is A.M. & P.M. Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss by Suzanne Deason. That link is to Gaiam, the producer of many of my favorite exercise DVDs. Yes, I know that there was just news about the dangers of yoga. I like the Healthy Librarian’s take on that: A Balanced Look at the New York Times’ “How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body” – What We Can Learn From William J. Broad’s Research and a Response from a Long-Time Yoga Teacher.
To bring in a book, here, I spent some time looking through Insight Guides: Hawaii this week. I plan more trips than I take, so Insight Guides are one of my favorite travel book series — beautiful photos and lots of background information for the armchair traveler. There are some advantages. In my version of Waikiki, I’m staying in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel down the hall from Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks, I visit the Moana for a broadcast of the nationally popular radio show Hawaii Calls (here’s a nice video with the intro to the show and stills), and the beautiful beach is much less crowded than I suppose it is today. I recommend Insight Guides: Hawaii as an instant cure for winter cabin fever!
January goals: 1300 minutes, 8 video workouts
Current minutes: 720
Number of video workouts: 4
Last week, I wasn’t on pace for either goal and now I am for both. Yay, me!
See other exercise reports on Bookworm with a View: CHECKpoint! Jan 17. And, join us!
I really like Deason’s dvd for many reasons, not the least of which is how she offers variations for those less flexible and because she has women of different ages and sizes. After all, not everyone doing these dvds is a size 2 and in their 20s. Her modifications are reasonable and the practice is just long enough to enjoy without being so long that it feels like too much.
I’ve never tried any Hawaiian dancing dvds. I have a few belly dancing ones I like very much.
Good for you. I’m just starting to get my into my exercise routine I never thought about hula for exercise but it sounds like fun. Go Joy.
I love the hula idea! Thanks for sharing this video. Once I’m not spending all my time running… I should try this workout. I bet it’s great conditioning for hips (and flexibility).
Great job staying focused last week!
This is Susan of Pen and Ink. I am actually in Kailua Hawaii and have been for the past two months. I walk every day on the beach with one of the most beautiful views in the world.
How cool that you are in Kailua! I’m going to think of you walking on the beach the next time I do one of my Hawaii DVDs.
This insight guide seems to be the perfect thing for me as I would love to go to Hawaii but I don’t know that I will ever get there. Congrats on keeping up with the exercise
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