
Exercising in Virtual Hawaii — 9 Comments

  1. I really like Deason’s dvd for many reasons, not the least of which is how she offers variations for those less flexible and because she has women of different ages and sizes. After all, not everyone doing these dvds is a size 2 and in their 20s. Her modifications are reasonable and the practice is just long enough to enjoy without being so long that it feels like too much.

    I’ve never tried any Hawaiian dancing dvds. I have a few belly dancing ones I like very much.

    • How cool that you are in Kailua! I’m going to think of you walking on the beach the next time I do one of my Hawaii DVDs.

  2. This insight guide seems to be the perfect thing for me as I would love to go to Hawaii but I don’t know that I will ever get there. Congrats on keeping up with the exercise 🙂

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