
Book Blogger Appreciation Week – Community Part 2 — 9 Comments

  1. Great post (and thanks so much for the shout-out). As you discovered, some reading challenges are better at building community than others. I’m not sure why that is. I met most of my core blogging friends thru challenges, but that was in the months before we all jumped on Twitter — which now seems to be a great place to meet other bloggers. And I often click thru to twitter friends’ blogs.

  2. I find that the longer-term challenges tend to be exciting at first, and then everyone goes their separate ways. The shorter term ones that span only a month or two seem much more active, I think because they stay fresher in everyone’s minds. This, of course, from someone who doesn’t really participate in challenges! Just what I’ve observed.

    I just found out about BAND today, but I’m really curious about it!

  3. I don’t do very many memes now, but I met some of my most long-term blogging friends through some of the ones I joined in during my first couple of years blogging – they can be a great way to discover new blogs!

  4. memes are great. We can take part every week or just when we have time.

    I don’t take part in challenges as I don’t feel I have the time, but I do keep up with how others are getting on.

    This is the first event I have taken part in, and it really has helped me.
    Great tip about following using the #


  5. I love doing some of these same memes – Weekend Cooking rocks… I wish I had something cook related every weekend so I can participate – this winter I will try harder at that.

    My Monday Meme is all about community. I want bloggers to meet others bloggers because the community piece is really what I love most about book blogging 🙂

  6. I think in terms of challenges building community, it depends on what you are looking to get out of the challenge. Some people are merely looking to expand their reading horizons while others are looking to see who else likes similar books and are looking for book recommendations from bloggers in the challenge…which is when more comments will be generated.

    I also think if you are doing a challenge and don’t notice a blog review until weeks or months afterward, you should still comment…the blogger would appreciate it. I know I would. Hope that helps.

  7. Thanks for posting your thoughts on these three different types of activities (and plugging BAND 😀 yay!). Really interesting to hear your thoughts. I tend to like events best myself I think, though I’ve only done one yet!

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