Book Review: Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney
Book: Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney
Genre: Young Adult
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Publication date: 2011
Pages: 312
Source: Purchased
Thoughts: Mary Jo Putney is my all-time favorite romance novelist, so I was very excited to read her first YA offering, Dark Mirror. Since it’s a new genre for her and I’ve been playing with a novel idea of my own this month (through Camp NaNoWriMo), I read this more like a writer than I normally would. I saw a few pacing problems where some bits moved too quickly and other parts slowed down too much, but I doubt I would have noticed under other circumstances. Even with that, I was entranced by the world that Putney created where magic is considered lower class, so aristocratic mages are sent to reform school.
I can’t wait for Book Two, Dark Passage. According to Amazon, it will be published September 13.
Appeal: An excellent novel for adults and young people who like intelligent YA fantasy and are tired of vampires. The two separate historical settings (Georgian-era England and early World War II) are fascinating and as realistic as one wants in a fantasy novel. The female narrator makes this more naturally appealing to women, but there’s plenty here for the guys to like as well — several terrific male characters and a plot that centers around strategies of war.
Reviews: Lots of blogs reviewed this book back in the spring when it came out. Nicole at Linus’s Blanket also enjoyed the book. She thought it got quickly into the action, while Jen at Jen Robinson’s Book Page thought it started way too slowly. Heh. Pacing is doubly difficult when readers don’t experience it in the same way!
Challenges: Since I bought this book, I can count it as book number six in my twelve book challenge: Buy One Book and Read It 2011.
Do you notice pacing in a novel? Are you more attracted to break-neck speed or a leisurely wander?
I want plots to move along, but will freely admit that, when a book’s pacing is too slow for me, it’s as likely my fault as an impatient reader, as a criticism of the book.
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What a beautiful cover. As soon as I finish writing this comment, I am going to see if they have it at my library. It sounds very interesting. By the way, I love you format your reviews. Very nice!
I like books that start out a bit leisurely in the first few pages so I can have a chance to get adjusted to that world but then pick up the pace and start the action. I think thats why I like young adult books. I think they are much more fast paced that adult novels.
This book sounds right up my alley – I will definitely be adding it to my tbr list.
As far as pacing goes … it isn’t always something I notice when I read a book. I find myself thinking about it much more as a writer. Still, I think that what kind of pacing I like is totally dependent on my mood. Sometimes, I enjoy slower paced books and other times I need something that moves fast and keeps me flipping the pages. Probably not the best answer .. but I guess it just shows what kind of a reader I am. I like all sorts of different stuff. I can’t just stick with one thing!
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