
Book Review: Dark Mirror by M.J. Putney — 6 Comments

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  2. What a beautiful cover. As soon as I finish writing this comment, I am going to see if they have it at my library. It sounds very interesting. By the way, I love you format your reviews. Very nice!

    I like books that start out a bit leisurely in the first few pages so I can have a chance to get adjusted to that world but then pick up the pace and start the action. I think thats why I like young adult books. I think they are much more fast paced that adult novels.

  3. This book sounds right up my alley – I will definitely be adding it to my tbr list.
    As far as pacing goes … it isn’t always something I notice when I read a book. I find myself thinking about it much more as a writer. Still, I think that what kind of pacing I like is totally dependent on my mood. Sometimes, I enjoy slower paced books and other times I need something that moves fast and keeps me flipping the pages. Probably not the best answer .. but I guess it just shows what kind of a reader I am. I like all sorts of different stuff. I can’t just stick with one thing!

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