BTT – Soundtrack
A late Thursday post for Booking Through Thursday.
What, if any, kind of music do you listen to when you’re reading?
Generally, I don’t listen to music because there isn’t any conveniently available in my favorite reading spots (the bathtub and the sunroom). I’ve started reading some nonfiction at my desk and I will sometimes put music on while reading, especially if Rick has the television going. For that sort of reading, I need wordless music, so I’ve been listening to a Pandora station that I seeded with Mehdi. Or another one I built that plays Big Band music from the early twentieth century. I’m thinking of setting up a new one with French orchestral and piano music based on the suggestions of my nephew and his friend. I have pretty eclectic tastes in music.
Visit Booking Through Thursday for more answers to today’s question. What about you? Do you listen to music while you read?