Bloggiesta, Day 3
For more information about Bloggiesta, check out the party going on at Maw Books.
What with one thing and another, I only devoted 3.5 hours to Bloggiesta on Saturday. After 6.5 hours on Friday, that was a bit disappointing. But I did achieve two important tasks that had been on my to do list for a while.
I fulfilled my desire for templates for my posts by taking Natasha’s (Maw Books) suggestion to use a post template plugin for WordPress. I ended up going with the Article Templates plugin and, so far, it’s working great for me.
I also registered with Fyrefly’s Book Blogs Search engine, something I’ve known I wanted to do since I discovered it when my book blog was still an idea on paper. That search engine has been a great resource for me and I’m proud to have my blog included.
Today, I’m going to play with the OpenBook Book Data plugin, work on one or two mini-challenges, and see how many other things I can get done on my Bloggiesta list.