
Weekend Cooking. Book Review: Avec Eric by Eric Ripert — 4 Comments

  1. I haven’t listened to Splendid Table in a while. Our station stopped carrying it and I keep forgetting to download it as a podcast. I love the sound of this book. And please, please share the recipes when CSA season comes around again. We’ve been CSA members for 10 years or more. I loved it when we had a huge vegetable garden, but we just don’t have time anymore.

  2. This book sounds like lots of fun to read. I like that it combines good food and travel. One of my favorite parts of traveling is trying the local food. Looks like I could taste and travel from my favorite chair.

  3. I love potatoes roasted with olive oil and those herbs. Doesn’t matter what variety. Yellow beans and peas (not together!) are my favorite foods right from the garden.

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