British Books Challenge
The British Books Challenge is hosted by Becky at The Bookette. She offers two levels to the challenge. Home Grown for people living in Britain who could more easily meet the challenge of 12 books, one a month. For International Friends, including me in the U.S., she offers the Winston Churchill level of 6 books and The Royal Family level of 12 books. I think I’ll go with Winston on this one! Six British books are probably as many as I’ll manage. Although, who knows what might happen when I start paying attention.
I have two cookbooks by Diana Henry, food columnist of the Sunday Telegraph on my TBR list. That would serve multiple purposes with the Foodies Reading Challenge and the Weekend Cooking meme. I’ve recently put Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens and A Writer’s Diary by Virginia Woolf on my TBR, too. So there’s a good start to a list of possibilities.
Welcome to the British Book Challenge. You’re my first person who is going to read cookbooks. I am delighted by the diversity that I am finding in peoples’ choices for the challenge.
Thanks so much for signing up and best of luck.
One thing that intrigues me about e readers is that I could get British books for reasonable prices (none of that shipping!). I’d be afraid to do a challenge like this because I love British books so much. Good luck with your multiple challeges!
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