W is for Wonder #AtoZChallenge
I’m doing the A to Z Challenge in April using the theme “What to Pack on Your Creative Journey.” Today, we’ll include some wonder in our metaphorical suitcase.
Wonder is the beginning of wisdom. ~Socrates, as portrayed in Theaetetus by Plato
Wondering is a good way to cultivate new ideas and explore them more deeply.
One technique to promote wonder is to ask yourself “what if…” questions. This is a classic question format that writers are advised to ask about our stories. “What if…” questions and answers add excitement and originality to the plot.
“What if…” questions also work when I’m generating ideas about my creative projects. These questions are quick to answer and — it never fails — one question or another will provide an insight that wouldn’t have arrived if I neglected to ask that question.
What if added things? What if I subtracted things? What if I combined things? What if I separated things? What if I rearranged things?
What if I worked backwards from what I want to achieve? What if I took this idea as a stepping stone to another idea?
What if I had all the time in the world? What if I had only one day?
What if I had all the money in the world? What if I had no money?
Did wondering about those questions change how you’re thinking about your creative journey?
Excellent questions. That’s why I like working with physical papers and embellishments rather than digital. It is much easier (for me anyway) to move things around and try different looks. Perfect addition to the creative toolbox!
Great questions. I’m by nature curious and I like all these invitations to wonder, to dig deeper, to switch things out, to tweak them, to combine them in new ways.