Beautiful Blogger Award
Marianne of Let’s Read nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award — thanks so much!
Here are the rules for the Beautiful Blogger Award:
1. Link to the blogger who has nominated you.
2. List 7 random facts about you.
3. Nominate 7 creative, beautiful bloggers and let them know about about the nomination.
Seven Random Facts
- My first degree and career was in computer science.
- I have an old volleyball injury (from high school) that still bugs me sometimes, 33 years later.
- My favorite flower is the peony. (I was going to say that my favorite color is purple, but I’m guessing y’all might know that about me)
- I loved cats growing up but I’ve never had one as an adult. Moving away from home made me realize how much I was allergic to them.
- I kept a handwritten journal from 1986 until 2009 — there are 44 volumes. Now, I type it on the computer.
- I currently have three checklists — one for morning, one for late afternoon, and one for bedtime. I’m not entirely sure that I would remember to brush my teeth without them.
- I’ve gone a decade or more without traveling at all, but I’ve been on four international trips in the last four years. It looks like we’re going to skip 2016, but I’m already planning a trip for 2017.
If you’re in the mood for sharing seven random facts, consider yourself nominated! I’d love to know more about you.
This is so cool. I knew about the purple, not about the peony and the cat thing, we share the allergy in common. We also share the journaling thing in common, although more lately, I think I’ve taken to putting my thoughts in my poetry, essays, or book reviews. Maybe I should go back to handwriting?
TFB (Antona)
How I wish I had kept a journal since 1986 — what a treasure trove of memories and writing possibilities!
We have caught the wanderlust bug as well. I am leading another student group to Europe in March, 2017 and then my husband and I hope to take a two week tour of Italy that fall. There are some perks to growing older and retirement.
Joy, you said, “If you’re in the mood for sharing seven random facts, consider yourself nominated! I’d love to know more about you.” Thank you, Joy, I accept because I enjoyed learning about you! I’ve just posted seven random facts about me on my blog and you, of course, are mentioned. Enjoy.
How lovely, Joy, thanks for responding so quickly. You are the first.
It was interesting to read your comments. I like your idea of just saying feel yourself nominated and will check out everyone who does take you up on this.
Anyway, I didn’t mention my favourite flower in my post but – can you guess – it’s the peony. I even found a friend on Facebook once because I had posted a picture of the peony as my profile.
And I always thought I was the “master of lists” but I think you are better than me. At least more organized.
Have a happy day where you hopefully find a great new book to blog about.
Marianne from
Let’s Read