February 8 #SundaySalon
Time: // 8:08 am. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a Sunday Salon that wasn’t also a New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge post. I had to look back several months to find a post with the format that I wanted to steal to use today.
The scene: // Cloudy but that will change. We’re expecting our second 60+ degree day in a row. That’s a weekend gift in February that I’m truly appreciating.
Listening to: // “Good Morning” from Singing in the Rain on my Good Morning playlist on Spotify. Very cheery!
Reading: // Three books at once:
Autobiography of a People, edited by Herb Boyd. I was skeptical about an anthology, but the leader of our diversity book club this month said we could pick and choose among the pieces. That’s proving to be a great way to get an overview and I’m getting through it faster than I thought I would. This book will give us lots to discuss — the sweep of history of people with African roots in America.
To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. A sequel to Doomsday Book that I read in England last fall. Doomsday Book had a lot a humor but also a disease-ridden serious side. To Say Nothing of the Dog is much more about fun, with a lot of Victorian-era slapstick.
Now You See Me by S.J. Bolton. I thought I’d given up on this one — too long and serious for the book I’m reading on my phone. But I picked it up again when I was stuck somewhere and now I can’t put it down. I never thought of myself as particularly enthralled by Jack the Ripper, but I get sucked into books about people who are. The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson was the most recent one.
Blogging about: // The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, a whole bunch of books I read in the last couple of months just for fun, and a tour of the Tube in London.
Participating in// The New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge may be over, but the Healthy Lifestyle Books Challenge has just begun! Join us to read books that support our healthy lifestyles — physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.
What are you up to this fine Sunday?
Singin’ in the Rain is one of my favorites…as well as my sister. Anything you can play from that movie sounds good to me.
Besides reading Sunday Salon posts today, I’m listening to a variety of music, Bjork right now. I might be reading Ancillary Sword, the second in a series, by Ann Leckie later today, but we’ll see. I might just end up watching more Criminal Minds like I’ve done so far this weekend.
One of those Connie Willis books I loved…probably the first as I’m not one for sequels. The other was a bit of a disappointment, I think. Hope it works for you.
Have a great week.
Autobiography of People looks interesting. Beautiful weather here in central Va. today too. It reached 70 degrees. We went for a long afternoon ride so my husband could find landscapes to photograph.
You’re always reading a stack of interesting and diverse reads.
I plan on checking out last week’s posts. Today I’m shopping, decluttering, and trying to get organized for this upcoming week.
I have read one book by Connie Willis and just didn’t love her like other people have. I am not even sure what book off the top of my head. She is on my list to try again one of these days….