
New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge #NewYearBooks — 34 Comments

  1. I can’t commit to a new challenge right now, but I think I’ll follow the challenge later in the year 🙂
    I’ve read (audioread, actually) Your brain at work, and even though is told by a original perspective, I didn’t like it as much as other books in the matter.

  2. Pingback:Mid-Month Check-in #ReadersWorkouts | Joy's Book Blog

  3. Dear Joy,

    I am SO happy to see that you are hosting this challenge again – it’s one that I look forward to each year!

    I am signing up now to let you know that I am joining you on this quest, but will work out the details of what my challenge will entail over the holidays.

    I’ll let you know when I write about the challenge and the book(s) I’ll be reading in the new year! 🙂

  4. I don’t seem to do well with the challenge part, but I always manage to participate in group reads if I sign up for them, so I’ll see how things look in a couple of weeks! I’ve been noticing buzz about The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Condo and wondering about whether that would be interesting to read or not. But I would go along with any one of the titles you’ve already listed.

  5. Pingback:New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge » I'd Rather Be At The Beach

  6. Pingback:My New Year’s Resolution Reading Challenge #NewYearBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  7. I love it when you post about this challenge! I have a ton of goals for next year, but I need to figure out which books, if any, to read for them. The War of Art has been on my Nook unread for years. Count me in for the read-along and challenge.

  8. Pingback:New Year Report #NewYearBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  9. Pingback:The Healthy Lifestyle Books Reading Challenge 2015 | Joy's Book Blog

  10. Pingback:Year-End Exercise #ReadersWorkouts | Joy's Book Blog

  11. Pingback:Reading Challenges & Resolutions #Top10 #NewYearBooks #HealthBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  12. Pingback:The War of Art by Steven Pressfield #ReadAlong #NewYearBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  13. Pingback:First 2015 Weekend #WeekendCooking #NewYearBooks #HealthBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  14. Pingback:Happy New Year! report #NewYearBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  15. I missed this one last year, so I’m excited to participate this year. I have The War on Art on hold at the library – if it comes in soon I will participate in the read-a-long. I created a live healthy on a budget challenge for myself this year, but feel like such a newbie after reading so many great health posts on the web.

  16. Pingback:2015 Week One Report #NewYearBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  17. Pingback:Sunday Salon | 1330v

  18. Pingback:A Blueprint for Your Castle in the Clouds #BookReview | Joy's Book Blog

  19. Hi Joy,

    Finally got my computer back online and have “officially” signed up – even though it’s late in the month!

    Also, have launched a new party called the Book Nook for book lovers – would love it if you’d join us and also, if you could help spread the word! 🙂

  20. Pingback:Mini-Bloggiesta To Do List #Bloggiesta | Joy's Book Blog

  21. Pingback:One Book Done, Three to Go #NewYearBooks #SundaySalon | Joy's Book Blog

  22. Pingback:A Short Guide to a Long Life #BookReview #NewYearBooks | Joy's Book Blog

  23. Pingback:Live Healthier Resolution #NewYearBooks #SundaySalon | Joy's Book Blog

  24. Pingback:Do More Great Work by Michael Bungay Stanier #BookReview | Joy's Book Blog

  25. Pingback:#NewYearBooks Wrap-up Day #SundaySalon | Joy's Book Blog

  26. Pingback:Joy's Book Blog

  27. Pingback:Healthy Lifestyle Books Reading Challenge 2015 » I'd Rather Be At The Beach

  28. Pingback:The Healthy Lifestyle Books Reading Challenge 2015 | Haze in a Happy Daze

  29. Although I didn’t sign up for this, I’m basically doing it anyway, with reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz to start the year. I’ll be interested, though, in following your, and others’, progress.

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