
Google Authorship — a Bloggiesta Report — 14 Comments

  1. Thanks for sharing this useful information. I’ve started this by creating a page under my personal Google+ account and I have my blog set up to post directly to that page. I need to check out some of the other items you mention.

  2. Wow, impressive information. I do have a Google + account, and my name matches everywhere…but that’s about it.

    Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog. (Since I have a lot of blogs, it might be more complicated…lol).

  3. Thanks for this, I am going to spend some time checking this out. I have some issues with Google + in that some of my friends complain that they get too many notifications from me. I have tried to turn it off, but it seems to be hit or miss who gets the information.

  4. Sherri W it’s actually NOT a good idea to broadcast to Google Plus via WordPress. Google Plussers look on it as link-litter, link-bombing, link-dumping and even more undesirable names. They key to understanding Google Plus is to understand REAL engagement with your audience. I think there is a whole other blog post worth of material for Joy to explore in that area alone.

    Laurel-Rain Snow, it’s actually quite easy to do multiple blogs. I also put the rel=”author” into my Gravatar. That helps when I’m guest posting as well. For your various blogs, you want to create a page as well.

    You can find me by using as well as …I’ve got more as well. Although they are mostly dormant sites, I knew enough to grab the names before it was too late.

    When you connect your blogs page to your blog, it has a rel=”publisher’ tag.

    Once you start mucking around, you will realize that Google changes things up all of the time. Just dive in and get it done and adapt and fix as you go. Because even if you get it all down right the first time, there is a probability that it will all change sooner or later.

    But never fear. Google has a website for that as well.

  5. I haven’t used google + because of something about Picasa and having access to all my photos. I don’t know what that means re privacy and access to my pictures that are not on my blog.

  6. I tried to figure out where to put the code in my blog template but it wasn’t immediately obvious and I didn’t want to mess things up, so I went with a plug-in, which was dead simple. Not that I expect anyone to find me via Google or any other search because my rank is so low as to not register at this point, but at least it’s done!

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  8. Joy, I set up authorship, and I followed Lori’s advice about posting directly to Google+ rather than automatically from my blog. That’s as far as I’ve gotten. The only post I’ve shared directly to Google+ received no comments or +s. Nada. Lori says I just need to be more active on G+, and I’m sure that’s true, but I guess it’s just not that high a priority for me. I wind up spending too much time online as it is. Maybe if I sat still and watched one of the videos you recommend it would help me sort things out. Thanks for this post. I wish I had some good info for you in return (instead of whining)!

  9. Joy, thanks for this great summary. I’ve struggled but finally got it right … I think. Like everything else, you just gotta take this stuff in bits and chunks.

    Martin Shervington’s video interview of Mark Traphagen includes a transcript just below the screen. It’s good for people like me who don’t like to sit still and listen but prefer to speed read through the parts that I’m most interested.

  10. All good advice. I set up my Google authorship but I’m still waiting to fall in love with G+. Still struggling with it.

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