Sunday Salon — November 24
Time: // 8:27 am
The scene: // We had our first really cold night. Fortunately, I was paying attention so I put a third blanket on the bed yesterday and we were comfortable for sleeping. But it’s so hard to get out of a warm bed!
Listening to: // Nothing. The cold must have distracted me from getting any music started this morning.
Reading: // I’m still loving Provence, 1970 by Luke Barr and I’m hoping to finish A Paris Notebook by C.W. Gusewelle by tomorrow morning so I can write a Dreaming of France post about it.
Editing: // My World War I post where I transcribed a letter my grandpa wrote from training. I mentioned that I knew a photo existed of him in uniform, but I didn’t seem to have it. One of my cousins came up with it and sent it to me.
Blogging about: //
- A photo experiment that Rick and I put together to figure out how different cameras work (or don’t work) to produce blurry background photographs.
- A memory of seeing an exhibit of nude photographic portraits in France, prompted by a recent trip to the St. Louis Art Museum.
Participating in: // I didn’t manage to write any reviews for Nonfiction November this week, but I did have a good time finding my book pairing with books about World War II in France. Even more fun was checking out what every one else came up with for book pairings — my TBR list grew by several books! Check them out at the Week 3 Review compiled by Lu of Regular Rumination.
The theme for Week 4 is “Name one book you learned about through other posts” during Nonfiction November. That shouldn’t be too difficult! Watch Sophisticated Dorkiness for the link-up tomorrow.
Looking forward to: // Book Friday! A couple of friends are plotting a Twitter event on Black Friday that they are calling Book Friday. It’s still coming together, but it looks like it’s going to be several hours, if not a full day, of book chatting, author interviews, and author panels. I’ve volunteered to host a couple of hours — one will be a discussion on multicultural books. More details on the way!
What are you up to this fine Sunday?
I finally had to use the heater in my condo! It isn’t cold like some places, but the temperatures are definitely moving downward. A welcome thing to those of us who have really HOT summers that stretch into the fall.
Enjoy your week…and have a great Thanksgiving. Here’s MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES
I don’t think I commented on the post with the blurry backgrounds – but loved it! I’m in the market for a new point and shoot, and FujiFilm X100S.
Rick is really enjoying his FujiFilm X100S. He has some problems with his eyes and the optical viewfinder makes taking pictures much more pleasant for him.
Eager to hear more about the books you will discuss on Black Friday! Sounds like fun.